Studies show people with back injuries who begin their healing treatment with chiropractic end up healing quicker, with better, and longer lasting results than any other approach.
Natural Way Chiropractic doctors are driven by their ability to get better every day at treating with compassion and consistent healing technics. Fortunately, these best-of-the best chiropractic prospects have found the perfect home and mentor with leader Dr. Eddie Hansen.
To say Dr. Hansen is considered an expert in his field doesn’t come close to defining the person thousands of patients have come to know over twenty-five years. He’s known nationally for his work in chiropractic. He’s trained established doctors around the country his proprietary NWC Healing System.
If we summed this “About Us” section, we’d describe Natural Way Chiropractic as a large team of dedicated people – each, fully understanding their role in taking care of Natural Way patients. Care that raises the bar in healthcare standards.