The neck, or cervical spine, is a network of nerves, bones, joints, and muscles. It is designed for strength, stability, and nerve communication. All nerves leaving the brain, run through your neck and down through your cervical spine. In fact, the neck has more nerves running through it than any other part of your spine. When these nerves are irritated, you can experience pain into the shoulders, head, arms, and hands. Often times these symptoms begin with tingling, numbness, or weakness felt in the shoulder, arms, or fingers.

The Solution

Through diagnostics, Natural Way doctors learn what is causing your pain, create an individual treatment plan to get you back to a pain-free active life, as quickly as possible.

Thousands of patients every month are testament to the success of Natural Way Chiropractic’s Healing System. Why should you continue to live in pain?  Call any of our six NWC offices and let’s see if there’s a way we can help you.