Chiropractic care for kids is a central part of a healthy lifestyle. Whether your child has specific health concerns, or if you would just like to ensure exceptional growth and development, periodic chiropractic check- ups for your child are important. Whether an infant, toddler, or child is assessed in our office, they are fully evaluated, and recommendations will be shared openly with you and your child because the doctors at Natural way chiropractic practice in the pediatrics’ scope of knowledge regarding issues of children’s health. Subluxations can occur at any age.
Chiropractic adjustments on little ones are gentle and effective. Light force is applied to the spine to restore motion of the vertebrae and function of the nervous system that may have been compromised during pregnancy, delivery or early development. These vertebral fixations are what chiropractors refer to as subluxations. Subluxations can limit range of motion and function of the spine but most importantly can decrease the function of the nervous system and, in turn, decrease input to the brain. This can interfere with normal development and the ability to respond and adjust to one’s environment.
Common issues we see with kids: Colic, chronic ear infections, bed-wetting, torticollis, and others. If you are concerned about your child’s health, or just want to give them the best opportunity to develop to their full potential, don’t hesitate to have your child’s spine checked regularly.